Scientific Name
Chelonoidis carbonaria
Chelonoidis carbonaria
A wide range throughout South America, from Panama to Argentina. Can also be found on the Caribbean Islands.
A wide range throughout South America, from Panama to Argentina. Can also be found on the Caribbean Islands.
Conservation Status
Not assessed by IUCN
Not assessed by IUCN
Fruit Salad
Red-footed tortoises are herbivores, feeding mainly on fruit and flowers. This makes them important seed dispersers. Seed dispersal allows new plants to grow across their habitat. Red-footed tortoises also eat foliage, fungi, stems, and even occasional carrion.
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Red-footed tortoises undergo temperature dependent sex determination. This means that the temperature the eggs are incubated at affects the sex the offspring will be. Males are produced at lower temperatures and females are produced at higher temperatures.
To learn more, download the Red-Footed Tortoise fact sheet.