Strutheo camelus
Sub-Saharan Africa
Least Concern
Fast, Flightless and Big
The Ostrich is the fastest running bird in the world sprinting at speeds over 40 miles per hour. This terrestrial bird is flightless and the largest of all the bird species living today reaching heights of 6-9 feet tall and weighing 200-290 pounds.
Communal Nests
Ostriches form flocks of up to 50 individuals. Smaller flocks of two to six individuals form outside of the breeding season. Male Ostriches are territorial and each manage a group of females. Once the breeding group is sorted out, a shallow, communal nest may be utilized with 15-60 eggs. Both the male and females share responsibility for laying on the nest — with the male typically guarding the nest in the evenings.
Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand
Contrary to popular belief, ostriches don’t bury their heads in the sand. Rather, to escape detection, they’ve been known to lay flat on the ground with their necks outstretched – this is most likely the behavior that started that myth.
To learn more, download the Ostrich fact sheet.